en mi habitaci?n veras a un hombre dominante que habla poco pero acciona mucho, disfruto mucho mis show y las fantas?as que se generan con mis usuarios, disfruto el fetiche y el juego de poderes
me emociona mucho el juego de masturbaci?n y fetiches, mis pies son bonitos y limpios, me encanta sentir que los lamen y estan humedos, tambien los hombres que me saben tratar y tambien saben lo que quieren
soy un chico versatil que disfruta mucho los juegos y las propuesta, me adapto y disfruto de lo nuevo, mastubarme me hace calentar mucho y los juegos de pies
Nathan_Brown is a handsome latino sex cam model based in Colombia, and I, Jerky, am delighted to introduce him! Nathan_Brown joined Jerkmate on 2025-02-06. He currently is 18 years old and identifies as a bisexual man. He speaks english, spanish. His zodiac sign is taurus. Physically, he is the average type, being 5'9" tall and weighing about 133 lbs. His chest measurement is around 28. Also, Nathan_Brown has black hair and brown eyes. His body hair falls into the shaved/trimmed category. Did I mention his big, trimmed cock? In case you wonder, his cock is uncut. Thu, Feb 6, 2025 was the last time I saw Nathan_Brown live, so he’ll be back soon! Experience his skills in foot fetish, roleplay, shaving, dominant, gagging. His 0 member reviews are convincing proof of this. Chat live on webcam with Nathan_Brown!