I like to please them, I am extroverted and open-minded
That they treat me kindly without asking for things rudely
I am kind, accommodating and fun with all people en my room
Luca77moroe is a handsome latino sex cam model based in Colombia, and I, Jerky, am delighted to introduce him! Luca77moroe joined Jerkmate on 2024-06-13. He currently is 24 years old and identifies as a bisexual man. He speaks english, spanish. His zodiac sign is taurus. Physically, he is the athletic type, being 5'6" tall and weighing about 151 lbs. Also, Luca77moroe has black hair and brown eyes. Fri, Feb 21, 2025 was the last time I saw Luca77moroe live, so he’ll be back soon! Experience his skills in underwear, roleplay, dominant, submissive, interactive vibrator. His 3 member reviews are convincing proof of this. Chat live on webcam with Luca77moroe!
One sexy man, great body..
Sexy muscles!
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