Where to start... In the show I can talk dirty saying your name, I can masturbate, I like being watched doing it. I only use anal toys exclusively. You can ask me to see them! <3
Ugh, I like things calmly. I like to flow until I burst...
I am a bartender, I like cooking and I do it very well. I love music, I love guitars, I want many... hehe
Curly_will is a handsome caucasian sex cam model based in Colombia, and I, Jerky, am delighted to introduce him! Curly_will joined Jerkmate on 2024-07-28. He currently is 24 years old and identifies as a bisexual man. He speaks english, spanish. His zodiac sign is cancer. Wed, Aug 28, 2024 was the last time I saw Curly_will live, so he’ll be back soon! Experience his skills in smoking, anal, submissive. His 0 member reviews are convincing proof of this. Chat live on webcam with Curly_will!