Probably a good idea to talk about it before going private im not here to waste your time or money so it's out there if you just go right into it and don't like what it is you want me to do that's on you .
A lot of things except guys and gay talk but don't get me wrong I'll do the best I can for you guys it may take a little longer or I'll tell you I can't do it so I don't waste your time I'm straight and love the pussy
I'm a grower not a shower and it curves down and I fuck good.
Bobby42085haf is a handsome caucasian sex cam model based in United states, and I, Jerky, am delighted to introduce him! Bobby42085haf joined Jerkmate on 2025-01-12. He currently is 39 years old and identifies as a straight man. He speaks english. His zodiac sign is gemini. Physically, he is the average type, being 5'6" tall and weighing about 130 lbs. His chest measurement is around 24. Also, Bobby42085haf has blond hair and hazel eyes. His body hair falls into the moderately hairy category. Did I mention his average, trimmed cock? In case you wonder, his cock is cut. Sun, Jan 19, 2025 was the last time I saw Bobby42085haf live, so he’ll be back soon! Experience his skills in bdsm, roleplay, stockings/nylons, submissive. His 0 member reviews are convincing proof of this. Chat live on webcam with Bobby42085haf!