I like to talk, I'm very kind and kinky, I love people looking at my ass, spanking myself and dancing very sensually. I love jerking off, I like it when people say nice things to me, and I love to cum in every show.
I'm turned on by people who are confident, honest, and clear about what they want from me. I love people letting me know how much they enjoy seeing my body and telling me hot things.
I'm flexible, I dance well, I cum a lot, and I have a big fat ass.
AlexGrant is a handsome latino sex cam model based in Colombia, and I, Jerky, am delighted to introduce him! AlexGrant joined Jerkmate on 2024-10-08. He currently is 18 years old and identifies as a gay man. He speaks english, spanish. His zodiac sign is virgo. Sat, Nov 16, 2024 was the last time I saw AlexGrant live, so he’ll be back soon! Experience his skills in foot fetish, anal, underwear, spanking/paddling, roleplay. His 1 member reviews are convincing proof of this. Chat live on webcam with AlexGrant!
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